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Jim Pagiamtzis is the Founder of 21 Connections; he shares Learn, Speak and Social strategies that work!  Jim's articles have been included in numerous small business and professional publications, blogs and online sites. He has an online radio show and has interviewed and written spotlight features on more than 50 entrepreneur and professionals.

He became a professional speaker in 2007 and is currently the Director of  Public Speakers Association in Toronto. Jim has spoken to corporate organizations, small business groups, and college audiences across Ontario, delivering both keynote presentations and learning seminars in a dynamic speaking style, empowering and inspiring his audiences to apply his simple and effective systems.

Jim is also an Accredited Solution Provider for Constant Contact and presents to a variety of networking groups, educational organizations and small business groups on using email and social media to create new opportunities.

Director of Public Speakers Association
North American Association.
Constant Contact

Core Certified Solution Provider


Provide full service social media services to entrepreneurs and corporate companies

 Get Conneced 21st Century



Provides way to learn, speak and social to grow your business in the 21st Century.

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